Return packaging instruction

In case you do not agree to receive the goods or have any issues with the product, please contact our Customer Service Team for assistance. After receiving approval for exchange/return from Lacoste Vietnam, please follow the packaging instructions below.

Lacoste Vietnam encourages you to record a video of the packaging process as evidence for future reference.


Please place the unused product in a Lacoste box, along with all labels, order forms, accessories, and accompanying gifts in the same condition as when received. Reuse the available air bags or bubble wraps to pack the goods.


Kindly follow the instructions:

  • Double-check all the products inside the Lacoste box to ensure that no items or related documents are missing (e.g., order forms).
  • Use the available tape on the lid of the Lacoste box to securely seal it, just like its original condition. You can also use additional tape to ensure that the shipment is not affected during the transportation back to our warehouse.


  • In case you want to return the order immediately upon co-checking it (For example: change of mind, the product is incorrect quantity, wrong item or has manufacturing defects), please hand over the package directly to the delivery staff. (No return shipping label required.)
  • If you want to exchange or have a product warranty, our Customer Service team will contact you to discuss the appropriate time for collecting the order and provide a return shipping label. Please fill in this shipping label on the Lacoste box.


After receiving the returned item from you, Lacoste Vietnam will proceed to evaluate the condition of the product for exchange/return/defect before carrying out any repair or replacement. You can refer to the Exchange Policy here.

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